

Hunter Collaborate

Meetup application created for CS students/staff at Hunter College. Purpose of this application was to provide an outlet for the CS community to post events (ie: hackathons, lectures, meetups, etc) that students might not be aware of. Android front end was developed by me.

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Weather application published to the Google play store. Tells user daily and weekly forecast, with additional features to come.

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Bond Yield Calculator

Windows application that users can use calculate price of a bond after discount, and yield to maturity rate.

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Space Destroyer

Space invaders clone that can be played in the terminal (with graphics).

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Modifed blackjack game developed in C++ that the user can play in the terminal against customizable AI and decks that the user can choose from with three different types of cards (words, numbers, symbols) all worth different amount of points based on in-game rules.

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Developed a library program in C++ which stores users/books data and also allows the user to perform various functons you would fnd at your local library such as browsing, recommendatons (unique to user), checkout, renew, or return books, among many others.

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